The two-day training workshop was ended yesterday evening. Twenty secondary level school teachers of Dhaka City participated in the workshop. The program was started on 30 September morning at the meeting room of NAEM (National Academy for Educational Management). The workshop was organized by SACMID under its project: “Promoting Media Literacy in Bangladesh” (pilot phase), which was supported by Free Press Unlimited. Access to Information (A2i), ICT Division provided technical assistance in implementing the program. The objectives of the program were to contextualize and upgrade developed media literacy content, to find out the appropriate teaching-learning method & techniques, and to build the capacity of 20 teachers of Dhaka City to conduct media literacy session for secondary level students. The media literacy content which SACMID drafted has been presented in the workshop. The teachers joined in a couple of group works and provided valuable inputs from their real life experience, and suggested some changes in the media literacy content.

They have also shared their idea on the teaching methods of ML contents among their students’ group. They made the opinion that it might be required to get the consent from the Ministry and the Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board. The trainer and facilitator of the workshop included : Dr. Asaduzzaman,Associate Professor, Mass Communication and Journalism Department of Dhaka University, Ms. Khadija Yasmin, technical expert, National Curriculum and Text Book Board(NCTB), Joydip Dey, Assistant Professor, Govt.Teachers’Training College, Chandan Barman, In-charge, Education Page, Daily Ittefaq, Afia Pina and Kamrul Hasan from SACMID. Mr. Nazar-E-Jilani, the Board Member of SACMID joined in the closing session of the workshop.