SACMID shared its gender content monitoring findings in a Stakeholder Meeting held in collaboration with PIB

“Bangladeshi media has become more aware about gender-sensitivity in news coverage and in their media houses. But it needs to be more aware about language, use of images and videos. For more gender sensitive media content, awareness and change in mindset is essential. While gender is referred to biological identity of men and women, it also refers to the social attitudes of men and women in relation to each other. Basically, gender is the desired behavior of men and women which is developed from family, society and culture. Likewise, gender sensitivity means reducing existing discrimination against men and women or specific genders in the society. Gender inequality can be eliminated only if the social equality of men and women is established. Besides, it is possible to eliminate gender discrimination through social responsibility and positive actions of media houses. And to be gender sensitive, it is important to work harmoniously under the patronage of government and supervisors.”

Speakers said this in a Stakeholder Meeting titled “Meet the Stakeholders: Sharing Findings on Gender Media Monitoring” jointly organized by South Asia Center for Media in Development (SACMID) and Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) in collaboration with Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED) consortium on December 01, 2022 at PIB Seminar Room.

The meeting was started at 10-30 am with a welcome speech by Syed Kamrul Hasan, Deputy Director of SACMID, introducing the organization and the objectives of the meeting to the participants briefly.

Saidul Islam, Program officer (Gender Media Monitoring), SACMID presented last four months (August-November, 2022) Gender Media Monitoring reports, observation and findings.

Mr. Zafar Wazed Director General, Press Institute Bangladesh (PIB) and the chairperson of the meeting said that women have gained more capabilities than before. They are now working for the society and the country out of just cooking and raising children. He emphasized on social media control as well as presenting gender-sensitive news. Gender-based inequality can be eliminated to a large extent even if the broadcasting media gives importance to gender-sensitivity in news coverage. Besides, he also said that news should be prepared keeping in mind the readers, viewers and listeners.

Dr. Gitiara Nasreen, Professor, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Dhaka University said, only media monitoring in Bangladesh is not very effective, still some policy issues should be highlighted and to be stressed on qualitative research to identify gender portrayal in media. Gender is mainly presented in the media in two ways: women’s participation and women’s identification. She emphasized on examining the position of women as a whole rather than judging by the number or participation of women. She also emphasized on objective reporting to change the perspective of viewers, listeners and readers. She said that it is not women’s pages or women’s platforms to be operated during the current click-bait news-trends, but it is very important to change the society’s attitude towards women, how the word choice, pictures and videos will be presented in the news.She was critical that the number of sampling is so poor in this monitoring works that it does not reflect true picture of the gender situation in media landscape.

Minhaz Uddin, Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism, Jagannath University emphasized on the representation of women in news and how to ensure the overall welfare of the society. He said to prepare news keeping the readers and viewers in mind in terms of gender-sensitive news presentation.

Ruhul Amin Rushd, Senior News Editor, Banglavision highlighted the issue of suitable workplace for women in his organization. He said that Banglavision is always aware of gender-sensitivity.

Mir Masrur Zaman, Senior News Editor, Channel I said, negative portrayal of women in media has a negative effect on the society. He discussed that the victims-survive gender based representations in the media, their roles and titles in the workplace can create even barriers to decision-making. Besides, he highlighted the issues of women’s rights-based decision-making, empowerment and awakening.

Mansura Hossain, Special Correspondent, Prothom Alo said, balanced representation of women in the media is very important to achieve gender equality. She said that there should be a national policy about gender representation in Bangladeshi media.

Shahnaz Siddiqui Soma, Senior Reporter Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha and Member of National Press Club Management Committee referred to the representation of women as commodities in the news or on the cover. She discussed the journalism of Sufia Kamal and Noor Jahan Begum. Begum Rokeya sheds light on her efforts to advance backward women groups. This journalist leader also talks about the position of women in domestic films.

Shahrin Ahsan Mou, Project Officer, Protecting Independent Media for Effective Development (PRIMED), BBC Media Action Bangladesh emphasized the responsibility of journalists in presenting gender-sensitive news.

Angur Nahar Monty, Special Correspondent, Dainik Kalbela and leader in the National Women Journalists’ network said that gender is relative. She emphasized on the importance of increasing the capacity of women in the media. Participation of women in the workplace and how the report is presented is very important. Because the main thing is how women are presented in the report in words, pictures, videos. It matters whether women are prioritized as weak or strong, crooked, progressive or regressive.

A total of 23 participants including 8 senior journalists, eight expert discussant, two students of mass communication and journalism department of Green University of Bangladesh, and researchers participated in the round table meeting.

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