South Asia Center for Media in Development (SACMID) organized a training program titled “Situation Analysis: Introduction to the Data Enumerators” on December 6, 2023 at SACMID office under the project: Combating Mis and Disinformation Sparked by Digital and Social Media Platforms in Bangladesh, which is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The program was started at 10 am with a welcome speech from Syed Kamrul Hasan, Deputy Director & Program Manager of SACMID.
Dr. Sheikh Shafiul Islam, the consultant of the situation analysis research, introduced the project objectives and its relevance to the situation analysis study, methodologies, necessary techniques, and mechanisms of survey to the participants.
Namia Akter, Senior Policy Adviser, Embassy of Netherlands gave emphasis on the ownership of the participants during the survey.
Nazar-E-Zilani, on behalf of Board of Trustee (BOT) of SACMID gave thanks to the participants and wished for the success of the project.
During the exercise/practice session held in the later part of the day, MD. Easin Ahmed, Program Officer, (Research and Community Mobilization, SACMID) discussed about the questionnaire and KOBO tools in front of the participants.
Besides 04 Program Officers of SACMID, a total of 13 participants attended at the program as data enumerators. They were mainly university students, fellow researchers, and development professionals. All of them appreciated the questionnaire and showed positive responses about the survey process and methodologies of the situation analysis.