A pilot Survey conducted in School

A pilot Survey conducted in School

A survey was conducted on pilot basis among 50 students (girls and boys) at the secondary level of a school to identify the context, readiness and competence level of the students to participate in a media literacy initiative.

The name of the school is Banshbari Adarsha High School, which is located in Gazipur, around 25 kilometers away from the capital city. One of the important reasons to choose the area is its changing pattern. The area has been changing rapidly from agro-based to the industrial economy through the process of industrialization. With the rapidly changing economic pattern, the information need, especially for the youth has been changed vividly.


Findings of Baseline Survey on Media Literacy at secondary school level: A Summary

No of Respondents: 50

Age Group: 14 – 16

Educational Status: Secondary school, 10th Grade


Summary of findings: The questionnaire was consisted of 50 open and close ended questions. According to the responses received, 100% students can have access to television and mobile phone where 60% of them have access of internet. Respondents, who can access internet all of them use Facebook and YouTube.

84% students use Television as source of getting news but they don’t use it frequently. Only 22% of them follow television at least once in a day, 19% ofthem follow news twice or thrice in a week.

96% students don’t read newspaper because they can’t have access newspaper at home or at their schools.

Almost all of the respondents (96%) use mobile phone to listening music, taking picture and video and playing games. 100% of them find mobile phone as tool for communicating with parents, friends and relatives and tools for being entertained.

40% of the students own a mobile phone which has internet access. Rest (20%) of the internet user use internet in school computer lab and home. 60% of students follow online version of newspaper sometimes and use YouTube to getting news, sometimes they also use Facebook for study purpose.