Debate competition on Media Literacy at secondary level schools in Dhaka city has been started from today. On the first day students of two of the selected schools took part in the competition on issues around Media Literacy at their respective schools. In Shantipur High School, Khilgaon two groups of students debated on the topic- “Social Media deters one to be social”. On the other hand, two groups of students took part in debate on “ICT-dependence is unsafe, dangerous” at Basabo Girls’ High School. The other selected schools for this competition are:
Govt. Laboratory High School, Cambrian School & College, New Model Multilateral High School, Lake Circus Girls’ High School, St. Joseph Higher Secondary School, St. Francis Xavier’s Girls’ School and College, Dhaka residential Model College and Motijheel Govt. Boys’ High School.

The competition will be ended in a final round tournament on 20 March 2019.

The debate competition has been organized by South Asia Center for Media in Development (SACMID) with collaboration and technical support from Dhaka University Debating Society (DUDS) and Access to Information (a2i).The debate competition has been supported by Free Press Unlimited as part of its supported project –“Promoting Media Literacy in Bangladesh.”