Number of Schools: 04
Name of Schools: Cambrian School and College, Lake Circus Girls High School, Shantipur High School, St. Joseph Higher Secondary School.
Number of Students: 90, Number of Boys-52, Number of Girls-38, Number of Teachers-06
Name of Teachers: Kawsar Haowladar, Cambrian School and College, Kaniz Fatema, Lake Circus Girls High School, Maksudur Rahman, Lake Circus Girls High School, Pallab Kumar, Shantipur High School, Hasibur Rahman, Shantipur High School, Nahian Islam, St. Joseph Higher Secondary School.
Teaching Method: Pedagogy Method
Participation: Active Participation
Multimedia set up: In two schools multimedia set up was okay (Cambrian School and College, St. Joseph Higher Secondary School) And other two schools were partly okay. (Lake Circus Girls High School and Shantipur High School.)
Students Feedback: Students clearly to understood regarding media literacy content like fake news, fake information, why created, how to create, how to verify the source, media message, propaganda and many more. Content was very easy to understand, sometimes it was difficult to realize but by asking to the teacher, it got easier.
Media literacy Content was very helpful to the students; they were surprised to know about media literacy, especially on social media and how people make fake information and spread them on social media. They learn that everything on media not for everyone. They have learnt to find out real news, how to search, how to search by using image on Google, how to find the real source of information, and how to be a safe user of social media. The task was very interesting that every student could participate; the interesting thing was that they also learned how to make fake information and they were surprised that it’s not very difficult to create and share. Form now they are media literate.

Teachers Feedback: “ I am a facebook user since 2014, I just scroll, like, share and believe all information on social media, sometimes I overlook, but after knowing on media literacy I can realize or identify what is news or what is not, every information is not news and every information or news is not real. Now I am aware form these propaganda as well as my students are aware from these”
Pallab Kumar, Assistant Head teacher of Shantipur High School told describing his media literacy journey which has been started SACMID. He also suggested sharing this content to parents because this media literacy content is also important to everyone.
The content was clear to make the students informed and well-known. Students have lot of questions on this, they were curious what was going to be presented on next slide. Students are being media literate; they have started to learn about privacy and security on digital media. They are safe from this propaganda but this process should be continued. Participation of students should be increased, So that every student gets the opportunity to learn, to know on media literacy. If possible incorporate any real example on cyber crime into the content. Not only students but also the guardians should learn about media literacy, it is needed to involve parents in regular workshops.