29-12-2020 /Dhaka
SACMID Deputy Director signed an agreement withDG of Press Institute Bangladesh, along with four writers on publishing a book titled: Gono Maddhyam Sakkhorota: Sahaj Path. The write-up and review of the book has been completed and now at its final stage of printing. The book will soon come out and be ready for publication among the general readers. The publication of such a book, since such a book for the first time in Bengali language in the country, will meet the demand as an easy reading material on the topic for the interested readers and users of media. The writers of the book included – ShuvoKarmokar (Reseracher,PIB),Saimum Reza Talukdar (Senior Lecturer,Schoolof law,Brac University) , Mamun Abdul Qaium (Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication and Journalism,Rajshahi University) and MehnajHoque (Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication &Journalism,Jagannath University ,Dhaka). The book has been edited by Syed KamrulHasan, DeputyDirector, SACMID. The Director General of PIBMr.JafarWazed is the publisher of the book on behalf of PIB.