Media Literacy Content Produced for the minor students (junior level) of Bangladesh

Media Literacy Content Produced for the minor students (junior level) of Bangladesh by the students of Department of Social work of University of Applied Sciences Windesheim, Netherlands under the collaboration between SACMID & Windesheim

04 students of Department of Social Work, Windesheim (University of Applied science), Netherlands produced a package of educational cards on cyber-bullying and fake news for the Bangladeshi minor students. The work they have done as part of their practical assignment in the course. On invitation of the Department, SACMID has joined in the task on a temporary agreement and offered its expertise in accomplishment of the task. Two supervisors from two parties- Annemiek Woolthuis, MSc., Lecturer Children & Media, Social Work, Coordinator Minor Children & Media, Department of Social Work, Windesheim and Syed Kamrul Hasan, Deputy Director, SACMID- supervised and acted as mentors throughout the period of assignment from February to May 2022. A series of on-line consultations were taken place with the students in making the final products.

These Media Cards will help junior level students to understand the basic concept of cyber-bullying and fake news and students will be more aware about sharing information in social media and media behavioral norms.

Four students, as content developers, are named as: Charlotte Fricker, Sharon Timmerman, Jeanne Genti & Martine Rits

As follow up of the task, SACMID will now translate these cards in Bengali language and test those in a Bangladeshi school. Both SACMID & Windsheim are now looking for possibilities how to continue this collaboration of resource exchange in future in a more sustainable way.